Full stack NodeJs developer
Uzbek, English, Russian
Position: Backend Software Engineer
Duration: January 2023 - October 2023
Location: Uzbekistan Tashkent
- Developed payment gateway for games, purchase of accounts, gift cards, vouchers, international payments, e-wallets, mobile operators and much more - Integrated multiple external payment services, including Paynet (local), Xsolla (international), and PgPara (international) and so on. - Developed a tax gateway system to audit all payment receipts for the State Tax Committee. - Increased transaction state consistency between internal systems and external services by implementing a background task scheduler to verify receipt states - Integrated the local PAYME payment method into the online store application, providing users with a convenient and secure way to make transactions. - Optimized database performance by implementing data caching, resulting in a significant reduction in the number of database requests for service data
Position: FullStack Software Engineer
Duration: October 2023 - Present
Location: Uzbeksitan Tashkent
- Development of a system for organizing and conducting exchanges, exhibitions, fairs and auctions. - Implemented JWT-based user authentication with IP and session checks to prevent simultaneous login from multiple devices. - Designed and implemented a high-performance Cache service that significantly enhanced server response speed, achieving 10 times faster response time for client requests. Used Redis as the primary cache database, leveraging its in-memory storage capabilities to optimize data retrieval and reduce latency. Developed a Docker Compose file to efficiently manage and deploy the Redis server. - Implemented Role-based Authorization system for API endpoints, enhancing security and controlling user access rights. For that I developed a custom guard in NestJS to check user roles before processing requests, ensuring that only authorized users with the appropriate roles can access specific API endpoints. - Optimized database performance by upgrading the Prisma ORM version to 5.8.1, to leverage the advanced features of Prisma 5.8.1, particularly the use of join tables, to streamline relational data retrieval, eliminating the need for separate requests for each related table. - Designed and implemented a File service for efficient file uploads, utilizing MinIO server as an S3-compatible storage solution - Enhanced the form component in Vue3, Nuxt with TypeScript and Composition API by implementing dynamic fields, providing a more flexible and customizable user interface for data entry.
Position: Software Enginee
Duration: March 2022 - July 2022
Location: Uzbeksitan, Tashkent
- Developed a blogging platform where readers find dynamic thinking, and where expert and undiscovered voices can share their writing on any topic. - Integrated user authentication through social media platforms including Google, Facebook, and Twitter using OAuth APIs, providing users with a seamless and secure login experience. - Added method which calculates the time to read posts - Implemented the rating feature for the users by calculating their post rating
Position: Full Stack Software Engineer & DevOps
Duration: July 2022 - October 2022
Location: Uzbekistan Tashkent
- Developed comprehensive Online School Platform for teachers and school pupils - Designed and implemented the entire structure of a school platform, including the database architecture, while developing a monolithic web backend application from inception to completion. - Implemented Role-based authorization for API endpoints, enhancing security and controlling user access rights - Developed a comprehensive learning management system, encompassing course creation, lesson planning and user management functionalities. - Added moderator roles and functionality for overseeing the educational process, and fostering an interactive learning experience for pupils. - Implemented a homework service to facilitate communication between curators and pupils during the homework process. - Integrated a test module to assess pupils' knowledge upon completion of each course module, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the material - Created a file service by using Yandex Object Storage as an S3-compatible storage solution, enhancing file management capabilities within the system. - Established a Linux server setup on DigitalOcean VPS, configuring it for the deployment of the educational platform. - Configured Nginx in the server to ensure a secure connection, enhancing the overall security and performance of the deployed app. - Secured the educational platform by connecting the domain and implementing an SSL certificate, ensuring encrypted and secure data transfer for enhanced user privacy.
Position: Backend Software Engineer
Duration: October 2022 - December 2022
Location: Uzbekistan Toshkent
- Developed ERP system for automating the work of suppliers. - Participated in the development of an ERP system for automating the work of suppliers. - Developed a product service gateway to streamline and enhance product management processes, resulting in increased efficiency and improved product-related operations. - Integrated multiple microservices into the client gateway, enabling seamless client access and interaction with a range of essential services. - Developed and maintained the permission system for the project, ensuring controlled access and data security for users based on their roles and responsibilities.
Degree: Master's degree
Duration: September 2018 - February 2021
Faculty: Master of Business Adminstration